
finding Him and finding him

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

This is the first post of my new mini series, Cure for Singleness. Now you're probably like, "Thanks Aubrey, I've been waiting for a cure for so long!" Yeah no I'm sorry, but this series is not about getting dates, or finding the man (I mean it's about finding a man, but not an earthly man) of your dreams (the only man of your dreams is Jesus, no man can be perfect!) This series is just a little something that God has been laying on my heart lately, and I'm hoping that it helps you as much as it has helped me. So yeah let's begin!

finding them both
You can not find him (the man you will marry) until you fully and truly find Him (The perfect man, Jesus Christ); and men, the same applies for you, you will not find her (your future wife) until you find Him (Yet again, the only perfect person, Jesus). Here's my point:

Jesus at the center
When you have Jesus at the center of your heart, everything will fall into place. When you have Jesus you won't need another person to fuel your happiness, you will find all your joy in the Grace of God. When Jesus is at the center of your heart, you will not have to seek a spouse, you will never have to chase after them, when you fully love Jesus, him or her will find there way to you through the power of the Holy Spirit.

actively seeking
If you are actively seeking a spouse, then you are not actively seeking God. If you are actively seeking God, he will bring you someone, when the time is right. We can not put someone at the center of our heart, because then there is no room for God. To find a godly woman or man, you must be a godly person yourself, you must be drenched fully in the love and Grace of Jesus Christ. When we have the love and Grace of our God, we don't need anyone or anything to make us happy.

God created woman for man, because man needed a companion. Man needed a prayer partner, man needed a friend, man needed a support system, man needed an advocate. Relationships aren't meant to fuel your happiness and energy, they're meant to help fuel your relationship with God.

the only cure
The most important thing in your life is God and your relationship with Him. If you plan on curing this singleness, you can only find that cure in God. A relationship will not cure singleness, unless you have already found God. God uses our singleness as a learning process, as a time to grow closer to Him before you can grow close to him or her. Singleness is God's way of preparing us for a marriage, centered only around Him. Singleness doesn't need a cure, because you're never going to be alone when you have the Lord in your heart.

"But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you." / / Matthew 6:33 CSB

Hey Jude, don't be afraid

Saturday, March 25, 2017

you were made to go out and get her, the minute you let her under your skin, then you begin to make it better

Gotta love The Beatles, right? Especially this song!
Story Time: So when I was in NH with Angela, we were driving around and we were just jamming to this song along with a lot of other oldies! And then yesterday when I was in this shop downtown it came on again and I was just singing it to everyone, they probably wanted to rip their ears off, but whatever. Anyways, it's a great song!

Okay, moving on! Yesterday, my friends and I went to downtown Grand Rapids, which is always an adventure. Hanging out with my friends was very much needed, helped me get my mind off of my interesting week! And I feel bad for never blogging and never blogging with photos, so here ya go!

/ / shirt / / pants / / shoes / / sunglasses / / 

So I am starting a mini series soon, so be on the look out for that one! It's going to be fun for me and for you all! Anyways, have a great weekend! Enjoy yourselves!

love, Aubs


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Hello there!

Today I really want to share about my experience with Compassion International. For those who don't know, Compassion International is a Christian organization in which you sponsor a child who lives in poverty. Many times these children have been waiting for a sponsor for over 6 months, live in an AIDS-affected area, or live in an area with a high risk of exploitation or abuse. Compassion aims to end child poverty through the power of God and through sponsorship. Compassion has three main commitments; they are committed to Christ, to children, and to the church. Now if you just read that and you want to hear more about Compassion and my experience with it, just continue reading friend!

Compassion aims to change children's lives through God and through their sponsors, but Compassion has also changed my life. My family sponsors two children through Compassion. We began sponsoring both of our children in 2010.

We sponsor Diana, who is from the Philippines. Diana is one day older than me, which makes our sponsorship pretty unique. When I first began writing to Diana, our letters had to be translated because she did not speak English, but now we don't have to have them translated! Diana has become one of my best friends, we write each other frequently and are constantly praying for each other. I love Diana, like I would love a sister, and we are sisters, through God! Diana and I have never met in person and we have never talked outside of our letter writing, although we both hope to meet each other someday! I ask that you would pray for Diana and her family, pray for her health and for her studies.

We also sponsor Paul, who is from Tanzania. Paul is 11 years old and seriously loves his Bible studies and his language class. Paul's birthday is the same day as my Dad's, which is super awesome! Paul was 4 years old when we started sponsoring him, and it has really been a privilege watching him grow up. I ask that you would pray for Paul, that he would know Jesus more and for his health, as well.

Okay now, if you are seriously moved and thinking about sponsoring a child! You should, you should do it! Once I get a job, I am hoping to sponsor another child because I love it! Compassion works to change children's lives, but also sponsors' lives! Let God change your life through sponsoring a child today!

Also, 145,000 children from India have lost their sponsorships because the Indian government told Compassion that they could no longer receive funding from outside the subcontinent. I strongly urge you to speak up for these children by contacting Congress and continuing to pray for them! Jesus loves all the children, we should too! 

-Aubrey Sochacki

excerpt from my journal no. 41

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Hi there! It is currently 11:15pm and I am for some reason writing this blog post. I really should be sleeping, but I feel like I need to do this before I peace out for the day.

Last week I had this big plan to post numerous blog posts and then I lost power for four days. In those four days, I realized that maybe God wanted me to rethink those posts or maybe not post them at all. So after a lot of prayer, thought, and waking up at odd hours of the night to draft poems; I decided it was time to post something.

Without further ado, here is a poem I wrote at 12:30am.


i had a dream
last night
that i was dancing
hand in hand 
with you
the one i lost
or maybe the one
i never even had

my feet on yours
my guide always
as we floated
across the room
i felt you slowly
slipping away

i had a dream
last night
a dream in which
we danced
as if 
we were somehow
still together

Sometimes I really hate my poetry and I'm just like "ew Aubrey shut up" and other times I love my poetry and I'm like "yes Aubrey slay!" Right now I am loving my poetry, especially this one! I hope you love it as well. 

Until next time, Aubrey out! 

right where I need to be

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

I'm just going to be straight forward here, sometimes life is hard and things happen that we don't understand, but the truth is God knows what he's doing and we are exactly where he needs us to be. 

God has put me in so many places in my lifetime. He put me in the position to say goodbye to my two grandmothers, letting me show them love one last time. He has placed me in the single life for merely my whole life, which is a curse and a blessing. He has put me at a public university in a hospitality and tourism management program, when I thought I'd be at a Christian university. He has put me in a church that I absolutely adore, volunteering in an amazing student ministry program. He has put me in Cru up at Grand Valley, a place that has helped me grow so much in my faith. He has put me in a living center, where I have met some people that I hope to always call my friends. He put me in a household with the world's best parents, a wonderful brother, and the cutest dog ever. He put me in a boring city, but without this place, I wouldn't have met my best friends. He put me in such a position where I can share his truth with the world through my blog and my poetry. He put me on this Earth!

Often we complain about parts of our life, like where we live or our relationship status, but we're always exactly where we should be. God wants us right here, right now. God wants me writing this blog post, because he knows that someone needs to hear it. God has wanted me to be single for almost 19 years of my life for a reason, because he has laid out someone for me, who is worth waiting for. God wants me in Michigan, I would love to know why (kidding), because if I wasn't here I wouldn't have met so many people. God has given us all a life, the life that he wants for us. 

God has a purpose for every single one of us and right now your purpose is where ever you currently are in life. Whether you're a student who is struggling to declare a major, an amazing singer-songwriter who just release a new album (low key shoutout to Ed, buy Divide on iTunes), a single mom who is just trying to feed her children, a pastor who is trying to write his next sermon, a father who doesn't know how to connect with his children, a boy who doesn't know whether or not to pursue a girl, a kid struggling with mental illness, a writer who can't find anything to write about (high key me), and I could just keep going on and on. I think you get the point, I think you understand that YOU are right where HE wants us. YOU are right next to HIM. HE is walking down this path with YOU. HE would do anything for YOU. Do you get it? Do you understand that God wants you exactly where you are? He wants you living the life you are living. He doesn't want you to regret anything. 

So stop, stop using your free will, that he gave you, to fight Him. Stop making your own plans. He doesn't want to stray away from plan A because you're being impatient and trying to do this on your own. He wants to hold your hand, he wants to be there with you. Look to him and he will guide you, he will reveal his plans for you in time. Just remember, you're right where you should be. 

"Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take." Proverbs 3:6 (NLT)

That being said, live out God's plan. I promise he knows what he's doing. 

xoxo, Aubrey


Sunday, March 5, 2017

Ciao! For any of you who don't know what aggiornare means or don't feel like googling it, it means update in Italian. So this post is merely just an update on my life and what is going on with that.

I'm just gonna bold a couple of things I want to touch on and elaborate as needed.


Let me just acknowledge the fact that 2017 has been wonderful so far and also the fact that it is zooming by so fast! Seriously, where in the world has this year gone?

I hope to fill March with more blog posts and hopefully a lot of food related ones, because who doesn't love food? I am also hoping to introduce a DIY at some point and a ton of journal excerpts!

Let's do this thing!


Over this Lenten season, I have given up complaining. In the past 5 days, since I began this, I have realized that we really don't have much to complain about. God is such an amazing father, who shows his love for us every single day. Did you wake up this morning? Is the sun shining? Is it snowing or raining? All those are ways that God is showing his love for us, for everyone on this earth.

I will also be diving into the Bible more and continuing in my daily Jesus and me time. Such a great season for reflection and growth.


So, I didn't really want to update you all on this, but I know you would like some information. I really am finished with my book, I mean pretty much anyways. I just have to do a lot of proofing and editing, so it should be released some time in the near future. Just continue to be on the look out for new material up on my blog or poetry website.


The title of this blog post is in Italian, I am Italian (Well actually, I'm Sicilian, if you want to get technical) and I am currently working on learning Italian. I have a lot of free time and I thought I'd use it to work on learning Italian. I also want to study abroad in Italy, so it's perfect! So if I randomly start writing in Italian, you now know why.


I don't really know what is happening in my life and I probably never really will. All I know is, I am exactly where God wants me to be and I will always be exactly where He wants me.

We can stray so far off of God's path for us, but he knows and we know, that we will eventually find our way back. God's plan is so much bigger than ours and he will always give us exactly what I need.

This is something I have struggled to see for so long and this past year, I finally realized that God's got this one.

You're living, you're on this side of the ground! You're amazing!

Keep being you!

xoxo, Aubs