

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Hello there!

Today I really want to share about my experience with Compassion International. For those who don't know, Compassion International is a Christian organization in which you sponsor a child who lives in poverty. Many times these children have been waiting for a sponsor for over 6 months, live in an AIDS-affected area, or live in an area with a high risk of exploitation or abuse. Compassion aims to end child poverty through the power of God and through sponsorship. Compassion has three main commitments; they are committed to Christ, to children, and to the church. Now if you just read that and you want to hear more about Compassion and my experience with it, just continue reading friend!

Compassion aims to change children's lives through God and through their sponsors, but Compassion has also changed my life. My family sponsors two children through Compassion. We began sponsoring both of our children in 2010.

We sponsor Diana, who is from the Philippines. Diana is one day older than me, which makes our sponsorship pretty unique. When I first began writing to Diana, our letters had to be translated because she did not speak English, but now we don't have to have them translated! Diana has become one of my best friends, we write each other frequently and are constantly praying for each other. I love Diana, like I would love a sister, and we are sisters, through God! Diana and I have never met in person and we have never talked outside of our letter writing, although we both hope to meet each other someday! I ask that you would pray for Diana and her family, pray for her health and for her studies.

We also sponsor Paul, who is from Tanzania. Paul is 11 years old and seriously loves his Bible studies and his language class. Paul's birthday is the same day as my Dad's, which is super awesome! Paul was 4 years old when we started sponsoring him, and it has really been a privilege watching him grow up. I ask that you would pray for Paul, that he would know Jesus more and for his health, as well.

Okay now, if you are seriously moved and thinking about sponsoring a child! You should, you should do it! Once I get a job, I am hoping to sponsor another child because I love it! Compassion works to change children's lives, but also sponsors' lives! Let God change your life through sponsoring a child today!

Also, 145,000 children from India have lost their sponsorships because the Indian government told Compassion that they could no longer receive funding from outside the subcontinent. I strongly urge you to speak up for these children by contacting Congress and continuing to pray for them! Jesus loves all the children, we should too! 

-Aubrey Sochacki

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