Skinny coffee club is absolutely amazing, the taste is just wonderful! It's made with 100% organic, vegan ingredients and comes in a cute little paper baggie. When you order skinny coffee, it comes with a downloadable meal and exercise plan, which is wonderful if you plan on using this product for weight loss.
Personally, I am using this product to reduce everyday bloating and to just stay healthy. I'm hoping skinny coffee can help me feel better and flush out my system of any toxins. So what do you say? Let's try some skinny coffee!
I absolutely adore this company and I know you will too! Skinny coffee club is amazing, you should really try it out sometime (20% off if you go to and use code MYBABYCHAI20) and my mug is from Francesca's!!
I'll be following up later with before and after photos along with any progress I make!! Make sure to add me on snapchat (auburnrider206) for more frequent updates along with random adventures I go on!
Love you babe, Aubs