A lot of you probably know that I am a writer, or at least you should, considering I say something about
my book in every other post (look I did it again). As a writer, I come across periods when I have very persistent writer's block, recently I found some techniques to kick writer's block in the butt.
The first technique is to buy or make a cute journal. You aren't going to want to write in a typical school journal because it will feel like homework. Trust me, a lot of my journals have been repurposed school journals and I didn't start writing in the them a lot, until I decorated them with sharpie. Ask your friends for journals for your birthday or just invest a few dollars and get yourself a pretty journal, it works.
The next technique is to read. My favorite genre to write it poetry, so I prefer to read poetry books. I love
Lang Leav's books because I tend to relate to her writing a lot. Reading always helps cure writer's block. Here is my favorite poem by Lang Leav, hopefully it can help inspire you.
And I saved the hardest technique for last; prompts or challenges. This technique is truly hard because it forces you to write without overthinking or drafting, but it is nice because these journal entries can turn into something better. To actually help with my writer's block, I put together a January writing challenge for you! This challenge has no rules, just write whatever comes to mind.
January Writing Challenge
1. easy does it
2. your life is a kaleidoscope
3. bring into focus
4. dream job
5. letter to someone you love
6. alternate universe
7. future tweets
8. the way music makes you feel
9. bad habits
10. perks of being you
11. what would you do with one million dollars?
12. focus
13. the sounds around you
14. describe an event without using sight sense
15. memory from childhood
16. pretend to be a famous blogger, plan a post
17. text you'd send to your crush/significant other
18. favorite TV show character
19. I promise...
20. childhood crush
21. she always felt like...
22. write an apology letter to someone
23. text you'd send an old friend
24. write free verse poem about a random object
25. talk about a color without saying the color
26. favorite feature about yourself
27. celebrity crush
28. letter to your parents
29. how to survive the rough patches
30. time
31. create something out of nothing
If you happen to write anything cool when using this challenge, use the tag #aubreyswritingchallenge (on all social media) to share with me and others. I hope this post helped some of you, I know it sure helped me.
xoxo, Aubs