
throwback thursday

Thursday, December 31, 2015

I am so creative with blog titles aren't I? I mean this title makes sense because it is a throwback of my 2015 and it's a Thursday! I am so weird I am so sorry! Anyways, Happy New Year's (Eve)! I did a few things with my polaroids and my memory box for this blog post, and I thought I'd share them with you!

I went through all my polaroids and took out all of the ones from 2015, threw them in a pile, and looked through them. And then with my memory box, I went through all the memories and sort them into months.

Thank you to all of my friends, family, and viewers for making 2015 great! I cannot wait to see what 2016 holds for all of us! Love you always! See you next year!

xoxo, Aubs 

upcoming changes

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

As the new year approaches, I just wanted to prepare you all for a few changes to my blog and social media.

First off, my blog will be having one major change and a few minor.
  • url: I will post of all of my social media when this change happens and I will have this url redirect to the new one for some time. 
  • theme: this theme is great for a starter theme, but I have wanted a new one for some time. 
  • journal excerpts: I will be posting a journal excerpt once a week. I am hoping this gets me to write more, but it will also mean more posts from me every month.
  • new ambassadorships/affiliations: I don't want to spoil anything just yet, but it is very exciting! 
The next thing to change is my social media.
  • I am hoping to make all my social media, just like my blog. I want to continue the theme throughout
  • usernames: they will all be changing to my new url name in hopes that I will be easier to find online
  • current social media: follow me for updates or to be friends
twitter: @aubreysanne
instagram: @mybabychai
tumblr: mybabychai
snapchat: auburnrider206
pinterest: aubrey sochacki
spotify: Aubrey Sochacki
hellopoetry: aubrey sochacki

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

I'll see you again on NYE!

xoxo, Aubrey

Combating Writer's Block

Monday, December 28, 2015

A lot of you probably know that I am a writer, or at least you should, considering I say something about my book in every other post (look I did it again). As a writer, I come across periods when I have very persistent writer's block, recently I found some techniques to kick writer's block in the butt.

The first technique is to buy or make a cute journal. You aren't going to want to write in a typical school journal because it will feel like homework. Trust me, a lot of my journals have been repurposed school journals and I didn't start writing in the them a lot, until I decorated them with sharpie. Ask your friends for journals for your birthday or just invest a few dollars and get yourself a pretty journal, it works.

The next technique is to read. My favorite genre to write it poetry, so I prefer to read poetry books. I love Lang Leav's books because I tend to relate to her writing a lot. Reading always helps cure writer's block. Here is my favorite poem by Lang Leav, hopefully it can help inspire you. 

Another technique is to invest in some journaling books. A typical example of this is Wreak This Journal by Keri Smith. These books tend to get your creative juices flowing, by getting you to think outside of the box. This Christmas I asked for a few journaling books: Start Where You Are by Meera Lee Patel, The 52 Lists Project by Moorea Seal, and 1 Page At A Time by Adam J. Kurtz. I'll let you know if they help.

And I saved the hardest technique for last; prompts or challenges. This technique is truly hard because it forces you to write without overthinking or drafting, but it is nice because these journal entries can turn into something better. To actually help with my writer's block, I put together a January writing challenge for you! This challenge has no rules, just write whatever comes to mind. 

January Writing Challenge
1. easy does it
2. your life is a kaleidoscope
3. bring into focus
4. dream job
5. letter to someone you love
6. alternate universe
7. future tweets
8. the way music makes you feel
9. bad habits
10. perks of being you
11. what would you do with one million dollars?
12. focus
13. the sounds around you
14. describe an event without using sight sense
15. memory from childhood
16. pretend to be a famous blogger, plan a post
17. text you'd send to your crush/significant other
18. favorite TV show character
19. I promise...
20. childhood crush
21. she always felt like...
22. write an apology letter to someone
23. text you'd send an old friend
24. write free verse poem about a random object
25. talk about a color without saying the color
26. favorite feature about yourself
27. celebrity crush
28. letter to your parents
29. how to survive the rough patches
30. time
31. create something out of nothing

If you happen to write anything cool when using this challenge, use the tag #aubreyswritingchallenge (on all social media) to share with me and others. I hope this post helped some of you, I know it sure helped me.

xoxo, Aubs

Prepping for Chilly Weather

Saturday, December 19, 2015

It snowed yesterday, which I wanted to happen just for this post. I'm not kidding, I actually wrote "make it snow!" on my blog to-do list.
I am modeling a few different chilly weather outfits, and I will also be posting the links so that you can all buy these pieces of clothing too! If it's not cold where you live, feel free to disregard the majority of this post!

Outfit details (top to bottom): hat / mustard yellow cropped sweater / pants / booties / scarf / striped shirt / coat / leggings / scarf / socks / (for some of these pieces I couldn't find so, I found something very close to it)

I hope you stay warm this winter and I will see you next week!

xoxo, Aubs

winter records

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

On a rainy Monday morning, I woke up with a horrible chest cold. My mom and I both thought it would be best if I stayed home from school and got some rest, so that gave me the perfect opportunity to lie on the couch and draft this very post.

I knew I wanted to give you some of my favorite Christmas songs but also some winter songs for when Christmas is over, or for my followers who really aren't the Christmas music type. So I created two wonderful playlist, to give you that vibe of winter, especially if you live in the United States where it has been 60 degrees everywhere. 

I really hope these playlists help bring Christmas and winter vibes into your home, I know they have for me. Now I am going to go hang out with my pup and scarf down some more cough drops.

xoxo, Aubrey

excerpt from my journal no. 4

Friday, December 11, 2015

Hello cutie patooties! I am super excited to share this wonderful collaborative poem I wrote with Angela. We wrote this poem for my poetry book project for my creative writing class and it really turned out great! I am completely in love with this poem. Many of you know I dabble in poetry, but Angela is also a great writer, even though she won't admit it! I couldn't find any cool photos from this post so here is a cute couple from a frame in Ikea!

falling in love

i am always intrigued by his grace
he puts a smile on my face
with every look into those eyes, i feel alive
every time we’re together it’s like the first time
i just can’t get enough
he is my everything
i am so in love

Christmas Decor Galor

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Hello little elves! I hope you have all had a fantastic December so far, and continue to have a good December! I personally love December, I always have and always will. I love everything about it except, the cold (I hate cold weather!). Now I would love love love to share some of my Christmas decorations with you! I actually made most of my decorations because I am always in a DIY mood.

Look at that wreath! I made it! By myself! Aren't I amazing? I think I am!

 On my lights, I taped little bows that I bought at Michael's. Also say hi to Riley, my Bamboo plant in the corner! (Yes I name my plants, leave me alone)

I decorated my little tree with macaron ornaments that Trisha bought me last year, a bell that my Aunt Julie sent me for Christmas last year, and a Starbucks ornament (that is also a gift card) that I got from Sarah! Yay for Christmas trees!

Merry Christmas from me, Frank Sinatra and Brian Setzer!

And this little frame I made a while ago! Woo hoo! 

Okay there are some of my Christmas decorations, they honestly are all very easy to make! You can probably google instructions for the wreath! I hope I inspired you to decorate your room or house! See you soon! 

xoxo, Aubs

Happy December

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Hello friends (friends theme song playing in the background), how is everyone doing? 
I am doing great! I just started a new skin care routine and so far so good, I will share more soon! Okay for reals now, this post is not about my skincare routine; this post is about December, winter, and my new blog series: Winter Spirit! 

(Please pretend or imagine a cool wintery photo here, I am too lazy to find one) 

Winter Spirit is going to portray winter from my eyes. This series will include how my faith affects my life, decorations that I display during Christmas and winter, journal excerpts, playlists, clothing that I feel is a winter must-have, winter plans and updates throughout, throwback posts, and much much more! You definitely will not want to miss this series! 

Okay that was super short, but much needed! Oh WAIT! THANK YOU SO MUCH YOU GUYS FOR 3,000 VIEWS! I am so happy to be living my dream and to be able to share it with you all. I love love love you! I will see you all again on Saturday!!! 

xoxo, Aubs

november update

Sunday, November 22, 2015

hello friends and family!! How is everyone doing?? *loud scream from the crowd as if we were at a Justin Bieber concert* (I AM SO FUNNY, LAUGH AT ME PLEASE)

Okay, I have a few awesome updates for you all!! This definitely won't take super long so here we go!!

  • I am officially an ambassador for The Elephant Pants!! I already posted a little something about them this month, but you will definitely be seeing more and more of them on here and my other social media! 
  • I am going to be changing my url, in January! I thought I was in desperate need of a change and I am just trying to brand myself in a way that I want to be branded. I am so looking forward to that change as well as other.
  • I got Justin Bieber concert tickets!! I just had to tell everyone in the world so I thought I'd do that here lol! 
  • I still have a poetry book for sale, and I am trying to pay for college and such. So if you like poetry, I would really appreciate it if you checked out my book! 
  • I put up Christmas decorations, even though I said I wouldn't do so until after Thanksgiving. I was just in the spirit, I am sorry.
  • I am now 18! I am officially no longer a minor (wait, am I a major now?!?) Happy Birthday to me!!
  • I have a job now so that is why I haven't been posting a ton!! I would say I promise to post more, but I don't know what is going to happen, sorry! 
Okay there are my wonderful updates! Thanks for reading fam!! 

xoxo, Aubs

excerpt from my journal no. 3

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

In honor NaNoWrMo, I decided to finally post another journal excerpt! This journal excerpt clearing explores what has been going through my mind lately. As many of my friends and a few of you know, I lost my Nonni to cancer 2 years ago in January. I struggle with the grief everyday of my life and I really just needed to get this out in the open. I hope you enjoy this excerpt and I hope that everyone continues to write this month!

I am sick and tired of the cancer game, that is merely what it is; a game. This game is 4 quarters long (on the other hand we could say it was 4 years). You watch from the bench as your team and cancer each score goals, each winning at different times in the game. But cancer is strong and hell of a lot better at fighting. You sit on the bench, kicking and screaming, as you watch cancer tear your team to shreds. Cancer doesn't give up. 

1st quarter, your team is winning, but is still unable to walk without a walker.

 2nd quarter, cancer is kicking ass and you keep begging to be put in, you want to help fight; it’s not your turn yet. Cancer is winning. 

3rd quarter is a race against time, the teams are tied, but you know was is going to happen, but no one wants to say it; you’ve already lost the game. 

4th quarter, the game might as well be over. Everyone has stopped cheering, they’ve lost all hope, but you continue to scream because you won’t be able to come back from this season. 

10 minutes left; the team has pretty much stopped playing; treatment is stopped. You still think your team will win, because they’ve pulled through before, right? 

5 minutes left; 1 month. You hold tight to your team, you cannot stop holding tight. You know the ending, but no one will say it still. You cherish every blank stare and gibberish speech. You take in exactly how she says your name and the was she holds her spoon. The game is coming to an end. 

10 seconds left. It’s getting harder, the field is dark and slippery, you cannot see what is right in front of you.

5 seconds left; 3 days. You hold your teammate (cousin) as she sobs on the bench. You make do.

3 seconds left; 2 days. A time where you should be celebrating, you continue to look deeper within for some sort of answer from God, but you’re so full of doubt and despair that you cannot seem to find him within the mess.

1 second left; 1 day. You call your mom to tell her about the game and how you cannot see a thing, but she is watching closer than you.  You ask how the player is doing and she tells you it’s almost over. You find yourself praying for the end to come sooner, now maybe; but you can’t seem to imagine life without the game.

0 seconds left; the end. You stop, but the world around you keeps going. You’re broken inside, but you can barely keep it hidden. You walk out with a smile, that everyone can see through. You’re not going to be okay for awhile. Your Nonni, she’s gone.

You go to the recognition ceremony (funeral) and hold your cousin’s hand while others talk about the greatest player of all time, but you cannot seem to find the strength inside you to stand up and share how you found God again and how your Nonni is to thank, because oh how awful it sounds to thank someone for having cancer and breaking you. You cling to your seat for days, wishing that things would change, but they don’t.

You will have more seasons; better ones and worse ones too, you will get through them too. 

hey yoga girl

Friday, November 13, 2015

Hi guys! Today, I had the pleasuring of photographing a new friend. I cannot wait to share them with you! I also got to do some yoga in my backyard woo!

The Elephant Pants are my new friend and would love to be yours too. These pants are beautiful and super comfortable. I wear them to school, work, and I even wear them when I'm doing yoga! Other than being adorable and comfy, these pants support a cause that is dear to my heart. They donate $1-$4 from every item sold to the African Wildlife Foundation, which fights to keep poachers out of parks. The rangers from AWF fight hard for the animals that many people so dearly love; they need help when it comes to suppling proper equipment and shelters. Help fight poaching by purchasing a pair of Elephant Pants! You will not regret it! Check out their website here, and their gorgeous instagram. 

Pieces featured:
1. Bandoola Maroon Harem Pants

I hope you love these pants as much as I do!

Sorry for making this super short, I have just been so busy lately and I haven't had much time lately! I'll post a catch up post soon!

Love always, Aubrey

autumn's breeze

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

hello sweet fairies! Today, my friends and I went in the woods and did a little photoshoot. I was originally going to make this post my fall lookbook, but I think I am going to wait until December to do a lookbook. Plus, I'm pretty sure you've already seen all my fall clothes.

I absolutely love the woods by my house, it is my favorite place to go in the boring city I live in, I could spent a whole day there. Amanda, Lauren, and I were definitely rocking the 70 degree weather we are having! Here are those photos from our shoot today, enjoy!

our mixtape cover 

My friends are the cutest little things ever, I honestly don't have a clue what I would do without them! I am going to miss them next fall, when we all go off to different schools; but we will all find time to be together and explore the beautiful world we live in. 

I can't wait for more adventures with these losers! I love my friends so much! See you soon!

xoxo, Aubs